Saturday 27 October 2012

We can be kind enough by pressing "OPEN DOOR" button in elevator

 When you are in the elevator,
it's so important for you to....

press the "Open Door" button as long as possible...

because there are few groups of people who need kind people to hold the door longer such as...

1. A person who is carrying a child

2. A person who is pushing a pram

3. There are too many people who are waiting to enter the elevator

It's as easy as pie to do good, in the elevator.

Greedy Ghost: Singapore Funny+Scary+Meaningful Movie

I love watching Singapore drama and movie. They are so funny, scary and meaningful at the same time. We can bring some good moral values and put them into our body-pocket the moment the show ends.


Greedy Ghost was the latest Singapore film I'd watched recently. Initially, I thought the only thing I will do is to LAUGH AS LOUD AS I CAN with my brother. Then, I realize that there is a huge moral value I must remember: Do not be Greedy!

Here's the lessons can be learned by everyone:

1. Learn to say 'NO' and dare to say 'NO'
Google [Left]: Lim, Hui and Nam
Lim, Nam and Lao Hui are best friends although 3 of them are very different. Lim became a super-rich person suddenly. 

He did not know how to handle the large amount of money. So, Nam suggested him to invest the money into not-so-good activity that brought them harm everyday. 

One day, Lim lost his money due to their bad activity and it lead to unwanted commotion. He even blamed his friends for the loss of money. In actuality, he could not blame Nam because things will go his way if he learnt and dared to say 'NO' to Nam.

2. Donate with sincere heart
Lao Hui and Lim were walking on the street. Since Lim was a rich man, Lao Hui asked him to give some donation the 2 people with disability on the street. 

Lim did give some donation on that day, but he did not donate his money with sincere heart. He chose the person he wanted to give him money: He donated the money to a young sexy lady. 

Well, in general, he shall donate the money to everyone equally.

3. Forgive, forget and rebuild the friendship
Although the 3 best friends quarreled, they still care about each other.
When they found out that Lim was going to die due to his greediness,  they tried to solve the problem as a team.

The moment they found out that Lim was not going to die, they cheered and celebrated until, Lim was going to die. Friendship keeps them going on with life.

Greedy Ghost is a awesome movie. 
I learn that we must dare to say No in some situation, 
donate with sincere heart and 
always appreciate the friendship in life.


Sunday 21 October 2012

Feliz, si, feliz:)


Esta vez, los estudiantes hicieron muy bien in los examenes de Bahasa Malasia.

Estoy muy feliz porque ahora, ellos no creen que esto es un sujeto dificil.

Nosotros estamos muy contentos.

Saturday 20 October 2012

To MCG 3rd Year Buddies: You can Do It!



Some of you expressed your inner feeling on facebook wall. I understand that you guys are doing your best for your final projects.

Please don't give up. You can get mad, you can say you are super stressed.
But please start your job with happy heart after releasing all your negative feeling.

Remember, you can control and decide your future. Don't let your 'stress' conquer you. You are the one to conquer the stress.

Good luck for your final project!

If you are feeling down or blue, tell yourself:

"I'd gone through 4 difficult semesters, this is just another mountain that I am going to climb to the peak of it!"

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Smile on the face

1. "Where are you?!"
The parents showed unexplainable smile and happiness when they received the class photos of their children in kindergarten.

"Where are you?"
"Why aren't you smiling?"
Those are the questions asked by their parents. The children did not answer at all.

Anyway, the parents still feel happy!

Source: Google

2. Play Time
While the teachers are waiting for students to arrive, some children love running on the field, the girls love holding their friends' hand , whereas part of the boys play the slide.

The smile of their faces were obvious. They quarrel, fight with each other and then resume to normal friendship after a simple handshake.

Source: Google

3. Playing Quiet-Shh-Game
It so hard to ask the student to keep quiet and focus on their homework sometimes. I tried it when the students were busy talking. 

"Anyone wants to talk, you *any of you* can put the blame on the person for delaying the time to play, extending the time to study."

Of course, they can start their talking session right after they complete their work. They did really great with awesome result as a beginner. Guess what, one of them even said, "Let's play that  again!"
Source: Google

It's never a dull,moody day at work if we know how to make ourselves and people happy.